i dunno about you but it is not easy to achieve this level of standard. i was meditating about this at the gym while i jog-cycle-row-jog again-swim just now at Tampines and i was thinking can anyone ever get that standard. loving what God love is what most people can do i guess. love to pray, love to read His word, love worship, love His people. but it is not easy to hate what God hate.
Romans 8:7
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
dont talk first about what we do. some of us cant even control what we do and we always grieve God once in what we do. i am not excused from that. but there is an even more powerful force than our actions at work 24/7 in us that sometimes we cant possibly have full control over. it is our mind. the bible says it is in enmity against God, means our mind is constantly working against God. then how do we come to love what God love and HATE WHAT GOD HATE.. i feel it is so difficult. which after these thoughts makes me wanna fast more.. i fasted up to 7 days for thrice in my life. for all these 3 times after i break fast actually i dont feel like eating. because the body is so accustomed to not eating that i dont feel the need to eat anymore.. i guess it works for the mind too.. when u fast, u deny your fleshly desires and tune yourself more towards godly desires and u will become accustomed to not wanting fleshly things. then you will be able to love what God love and hate what God hate.. there is something that psychologist use i heard before that people who are very obese will be hypnotized and the psychologist will do something and u wake up wanting vege more than meat and you will puke at the sight of oily food.. i dunno how true this is.. tink Mel will have something to say about this.. haha.. but how good it is if there is such a treatment for our mind.. then we will puke at the sight of sins.. haha.. but God gave us free will so it is up to us to build this kind of sensitivity to His nature..
God was really good.. He showed me that He is my strength because i missed jogging for 3 days and today was a big big BIG struggle so i was screaming deep in me for His help and indeed He show Himself strong in my weakness. i wan to build strong will power and mental strength! nothing beats having strong will, not even physical strength. because alot of things i am going to do in army will not be dependent on physical strength, it will be beyond physical strength and it will become mind over body. will power and mental strength is so so so important so i am pushing myself a little more each day to build those up! today when i jog i got reminded of this part in Facing The Giants when the coach show his captain how our mind can limit ourselves and when we ignore what we physically see, we will be able to go further than we think. it is so good. i tink i will cut out that part and put it here for you all when i have more time..
some of you may tink why am i posting things about God all the time? because i am a christian and God is very real in my life. some of you christians may think "YOU TINK YOU VERY SPIRITUAL AR?!?!!?" i am not.. there are things that i do that you nv imagine david will ever do. but this is just a place to shout out what God has done to me. God gave me a dream of writing Him a book and here is my training ground. i live a life which i wan to show the world how strong God is. i am very very weak, people who are close to me know that, my size dont show but i cry alot alot.. but my God is very VERY VERY STRONG.. wait till i publish my book then you all will know how much exactly God has touched me and delivered me in my life.. thank you Jesus! so this is not a stage, where i show off my spirituality. if u tink i am such a person then dont read my blog.. u dont need you read things which u tink is fake.. but i assure everyone that i will never write things that God did to me which i nv experience. GOD IS REAL TODAY! :)
before i end, did i mention that i jog-cycle-row-jog again-swim at Tampines today??? i feel so good to sweat!! :)
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