i remember at the start of the year i said i wanted to do something in 2009.. i've been training for the something for since the start of the year faithfully although there are times where i slack off abit but i dare to say that i've been consistent till this point in time.. this sunday is 1/2 of the something organized by my company but i cant go because i am on course and i got grading on monday so i cant strain my body too much.. kind of disappointed as this sunday will be a good gauge of how i will fare for the real something in dec.. but anyway today i took the big step and sign up for the real something and it is PAID & CONFIRMED!!
here i come, my number 1 resolution 2009! i wanna be a finisher! everyone say with me: DAVE CAN FINISH!

here i come, my number 1 resolution 2009! i wanna be a finisher! everyone say with me: DAVE CAN FINISH!