it just happened this thurs that i was having training and something slipped and landed on my left ring finger and i couldn't speak for few minutes bcoz it was so so so so so so damn painful.. it left me a red swollen left ring finger for the rest of the day and i cant carry anything heavy with my left hand until now.. and it so happen that my left hand is my master hand..
but thank God still amidst all the bad things that happened, He protected me and there is no fracture in the bone.. the something that landed on my finger is somewhere between 18-22 kg and my finger could have broke.. phew.. and also i thank God for a financial blessing that came in so timely.. :) i can really have a merry christmas now..
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
long weekend!!
i really really hope that all these prophesies in the last 2 wks will come to pass.. otherwise i am really dead meat.. but since i committed to them, i am gonna trust and have faith in God..
LT Qinhui asked me what has God done for me, in an attempt to shake my faith last wk.. he was just kidding but i got something out of the conversation(or debate). at the very moment he asked me that qn, i was just like "ermz.. alot.." then he went on to say "like what?" and thankfully somebody interrupted our conversation.. i cant remember who was it or was it his hp that rang and i tink that interruption saved me from all possible embarrassments.. i definitely couldn't for sure say something which is solid enough to convince him of the goodness of God in my life.. well i know and i learnt how to share a proper testimony but i guess at that instance, "proper" is not enough for that man.. i always share testimony of my christian walk with people and they will be like "woah that is a solid testimony!" but the problem is the people who made those comments are always Christians themselves.. to them they believe God did it for me but how about those who do no share the same faith.. somehow i just feel that my life is not as compelling a testimony as i thought. so if i am not confident that it is gonna touch lives then it is really not going to touch lives.. i dunno if anybody understands what i am trying to say.. i know somebody is gonna come up and say "oh then u gotta let ur live be a living testimony!" haha that is not what i am refering to.. it is like how real is God in our lives? is He just as real as goosebumps u feel in church and cgm? is He just as real as what you read and know about Him? nobody bothers about facts about God.. He did this to who and who, He did that to who and who.. Benny Hinn talks about undeniable miracles, it is time we have undeniable testimony for an undeniable God in our lives.. i really hope the next time somebody ask me that qn again i will make his jaws drop..
so far this post got nothing to do with my title right? so i am gonna make it link.. thank God for long wkends.. booking in tonight.. and lotsa tests next wk! bye..
LT Qinhui asked me what has God done for me, in an attempt to shake my faith last wk.. he was just kidding but i got something out of the conversation(or debate). at the very moment he asked me that qn, i was just like "ermz.. alot.." then he went on to say "like what?" and thankfully somebody interrupted our conversation.. i cant remember who was it or was it his hp that rang and i tink that interruption saved me from all possible embarrassments.. i definitely couldn't for sure say something which is solid enough to convince him of the goodness of God in my life.. well i know and i learnt how to share a proper testimony but i guess at that instance, "proper" is not enough for that man.. i always share testimony of my christian walk with people and they will be like "woah that is a solid testimony!" but the problem is the people who made those comments are always Christians themselves.. to them they believe God did it for me but how about those who do no share the same faith.. somehow i just feel that my life is not as compelling a testimony as i thought. so if i am not confident that it is gonna touch lives then it is really not going to touch lives.. i dunno if anybody understands what i am trying to say.. i know somebody is gonna come up and say "oh then u gotta let ur live be a living testimony!" haha that is not what i am refering to.. it is like how real is God in our lives? is He just as real as goosebumps u feel in church and cgm? is He just as real as what you read and know about Him? nobody bothers about facts about God.. He did this to who and who, He did that to who and who.. Benny Hinn talks about undeniable miracles, it is time we have undeniable testimony for an undeniable God in our lives.. i really hope the next time somebody ask me that qn again i will make his jaws drop..
so far this post got nothing to do with my title right? so i am gonna make it link.. thank God for long wkends.. booking in tonight.. and lotsa tests next wk! bye..
Monday, December 1, 2008
my head hurts and my temp is running high.. on mc for today but going to book in soon.. got totally no motivation to do anything bcoz my head just hurts so much once i think harder or exert force..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
i thank God that i let Him take control and things didnt go as bad as i thought it would be.. haha thank my listening ear on sunday night too.. i am just happy to be in this course bcoz i know it would be good for me in future.. changes are coming my way and i pray for tenacity and stamina to run this 5 months.. :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
this is the 100th post.. haha i know it is supposed to be celebration but i just need to say this.. my blog tells me that the top 2 googled names that lead to my blog are as below:
1) Jill McCloghry
2) Sheila Jang
haha why i am saying this again man? just 2 days back i was just telling Sheila about this happening and today when i go back to my blog again *WAHH* that person(guy i suppose) googled her again! haha come on if u wanna talk to her then just go and talk to her.. dont stalk people! hahahaha! in case you dont know who is Jill McCloghry, she is a song leader in Hillsongs. so Sheila, u are in the same level of popularity with a Hillsongs song leader and i tink that tells something about u! anyway all the best for ur exams Jang!
oh ya.. i am like in a crossroad now.. i dunno which is more worthed it.. a dream or a conference that can change my dreams.. does it matter which department i go if i will only stay 4 years? can this conference make an impact for more than 4 years? haiz.. God speak to me somehow please...
alright time for cg.. i am going guitar practise so bye bye.. i really hope God will speak later.. doesnt feel good to be standing on the crossroad..
1) Jill McCloghry
2) Sheila Jang
haha why i am saying this again man? just 2 days back i was just telling Sheila about this happening and today when i go back to my blog again *WAHH* that person(guy i suppose) googled her again! haha come on if u wanna talk to her then just go and talk to her.. dont stalk people! hahahaha! in case you dont know who is Jill McCloghry, she is a song leader in Hillsongs. so Sheila, u are in the same level of popularity with a Hillsongs song leader and i tink that tells something about u! anyway all the best for ur exams Jang!
oh ya.. i am like in a crossroad now.. i dunno which is more worthed it.. a dream or a conference that can change my dreams.. does it matter which department i go if i will only stay 4 years? can this conference make an impact for more than 4 years? haiz.. God speak to me somehow please...
alright time for cg.. i am going guitar practise so bye bye.. i really hope God will speak later.. doesnt feel good to be standing on the crossroad..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
the best
the good is the enemy of the best.. sometimes u just know it when it is not the best, just the good.. gut feelings nv go wrong.. maybe i watch too much Heroes, or i do really have superpowers.. but i will wait for the best.. only a matter of time..
haha not related but fibi is so cute.. she keep wanting to get on my lap when i am watching Heroes and typing this.. and now after i put her down she is waiting for me to pick her up again.. stupid dog.. haha..
haha not related but fibi is so cute.. she keep wanting to get on my lap when i am watching Heroes and typing this.. and now after i put her down she is waiting for me to pick her up again.. stupid dog.. haha..
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
omg.. how sad can a song get.. this is a super sad song but i have no idea why i kept listening to it.. and i wonder where those negativity come from sometimes.. haiz..
你和他对街拥抱 我看到
为什麽对你舍不得 总是我
爱上你 需要那真情意
为什麽对你舍不得 总是我
还是你 需要那真情意
为什麽对你舍不得 总是我
还是你 需要那真情意
oh i finish the KiteRunner and must say that it is really good.. like which book i read and i nv say it is good u all must be wondering.. i think of all the books Little Prince is not as good as i expected it to be.. the rest like Last Lecture, 5 People You Meet in Heaven, Tears of the Desert are all very good and KiteRunner is one of the best.. it really speak about the deep secrets of every single one of us.. skeleton in the closet we used to hear them say.. we all are sure to have some thorns in our lives that continues to haunt us everyday. be it something wrong that we did or something right we didn't do. it may not have anything to do with us even sometimes, we just saw someone doing some stuff that we will never forget for whole of our lives.. such events we experience or or witness constantly haunts us and come back to us in vivid memories and we always wake up from those nightmares thinking if not i had.. if only i had not...
i had one of those nightmares the other day.. was resting in bunk and i woke up in a rude shock.. shocked that i am dreaming about that thing.. ashamed that it still haunts me in a dream when i thought i have conquered that area of my life.. God i really hope i will move on and be victorious.. i had many of these "if only" in my life.. too many for me to handle sometimes.. but i am not defeated that easily i thank God.. i havent given up through the years.. and what cannot break you will only make you stronger i heard this phrase from somewhere.. people came and tell me about their "if only" last wk.. several different ones came and shared with me.. and i thank God that through experiences, people grow and you grow to be determined to live life without "if only" , without regrets..
i am starting to read Dreams From My Father by Mr President Barack Obama.. i hope it wont stir up emotions about me and my father.. i was just telling my friend that day that i really miss my dad.. hmm hope the book will be good.. stay tuned for my review on that book! till then see ya all..
if only......
i had one of those nightmares the other day.. was resting in bunk and i woke up in a rude shock.. shocked that i am dreaming about that thing.. ashamed that it still haunts me in a dream when i thought i have conquered that area of my life.. God i really hope i will move on and be victorious.. i had many of these "if only" in my life.. too many for me to handle sometimes.. but i am not defeated that easily i thank God.. i havent given up through the years.. and what cannot break you will only make you stronger i heard this phrase from somewhere.. people came and tell me about their "if only" last wk.. several different ones came and shared with me.. and i thank God that through experiences, people grow and you grow to be determined to live life without "if only" , without regrets..
i am starting to read Dreams From My Father by Mr President Barack Obama.. i hope it wont stir up emotions about me and my father.. i was just telling my friend that day that i really miss my dad.. hmm hope the book will be good.. stay tuned for my review on that book! till then see ya all..
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
i always loved this song.. i blogged about it before and the lyrics just pierce my heart like no other song.. there will be times i need a touch from God so much and i will always put on this song and the presence will just come.. this video is about the song leader of this song,Jill McCloghry, whose baby died one wk before the live recording, and she went on to sing for God despite her circumstances..
This is my prayer in the desert
When all that’s within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
This is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flame
And I will bring praise, I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice, I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life, In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flame
And I will bring praise, I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice, I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand
All of my life, In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow
i love the part in the bridge:
All of my life, In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
i hope i have the chance and the family of Auntie K have the opportunity to see this video.. be strong auntie K, i am praying for you i promise.. i speak healing into ur life.. pls get well soon..
and the magical number 200.. something to smile about on this emo day..
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Congrats Obama!

so now do ur job..
and i am supposed to send out this email that is computer generated from but why not just put it here:
Now that Barack Obama is our president-elect, there's a new hope for Darfur.
That's because Barack Obama has been a champion of Darfur in the Senate, and pledged "unstinting resolve" to stop the violence and protect the people of Darfur.
It's our job to make sure he keeps that promise. So I joined with thousands of others and sent a postcard to the next president, adding my voice to the call for Day One leadership on Darfur.
Will you join me and Be a Voice for Darfur?
It's easy to add your voice. Click here to send a postcard. Remind Barack Obama to stay true to his word.
If everyone from all backgrounds speak together for one cause, then President-elect Obama will listen.
Thank you for your support.
anyway isnt it an ordeal to wait and live in uncertainty.. no wonder patience is a virtue..
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
life is precious
yes life is precious.. i heard a piece of news from mummy and i am so so so upset.. i hope u will be alright auntie K.. i will keep u in prayers.. reading Kite Runner sets my mind running again.. humans are like that.. fight and fight then get what you wan and when you get it u regret fighting in the first place.. when u gain something, it just means someone else lost it or that thing u gain has replaced something else in u.. i rmb blogging this before:
It is because the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives intersect. That death does not just take someone, it misses someone else, and in the small distance of being taken and being missed, lives are changed.
indeed when you get something, something else in u is lost.. it is an exchange, it is how the world is kept in balance.. so i what you are fighting for worth it? it is worth what you are going to lose as a result of gaining that? think before u commit to fight.. if it is, then fight with all you have, if not, cherish what you already have..
on a lighter note, i am happy there is something new to expect everyday now.. the number is 137... and that's for now! :)
It is because the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives intersect. That death does not just take someone, it misses someone else, and in the small distance of being taken and being missed, lives are changed.
indeed when you get something, something else in u is lost.. it is an exchange, it is how the world is kept in balance.. so i what you are fighting for worth it? it is worth what you are going to lose as a result of gaining that? think before u commit to fight.. if it is, then fight with all you have, if not, cherish what you already have..
on a lighter note, i am happy there is something new to expect everyday now.. the number is 137... and that's for now! :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
i'll keep on fighting
i realized it is this kind of things people say about me that keeps me fighting.. and afterall, i am really a zero without God..
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Thief
this nice song i discovered online by Brooke Fraser... the Thief(not tiff)!! haha..
The Original Version by Brooke Fraser
The Original Version by Brooke Fraser
and i found this cover by Minjonet.. lovely!
Your eyes are full,
full of the future of us
The air changes as you look across
at me in that wondering way
It is as if
I knew you before we spoke
Do our hearts know something we don't?
Conspiring, converging
without giving us any say
You sing me to sleep,
talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief
I give the key to
You're ruining me
with secrets and gestures and looks
With sonnets and second-hand books
Playing the chords in me
nobody knew how to play
You sing me to sleep,
talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief
I give the key to
It fits in your hand like the water in rain
It unlocks our two different selves
and shows we are the same
Rather than wait 'til I
put me out for the taking
You're breaking
You're breaking into my heart
and I'm letting you
Your eyes are full,
full of the future of us
Your eyes are full,
full of the future of us
The air changes as you look across
at me in that wondering way
It is as if
I knew you before we spoke
Do our hearts know something we don't?
Conspiring, converging
without giving us any say
You sing me to sleep,
talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief
I give the key to
You're ruining me
with secrets and gestures and looks
With sonnets and second-hand books
Playing the chords in me
nobody knew how to play
You sing me to sleep,
talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief
I give the key to
It fits in your hand like the water in rain
It unlocks our two different selves
and shows we are the same
Rather than wait 'til I
put me out for the taking
You're breaking
You're breaking into my heart
and I'm letting you
Your eyes are full,
full of the future of us
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
here it comes!
ok finally i got myself to sit down and start posting the pictures.. there are still alot of more controversial and interesting pictures but i cannot post here bcoz i am on a exercise trip after all.. if u wanna see just come look for me online and i will show u.. oh ya gotta explain why there is not going to be pictures of ximending.. normally u go taipei sure go ximending one.. normally la.. and i am a very normal person so normally i will go but the previous president mr chen had to abnormally organize a demonstration rally at ximending and my company being my company banned us from going ximending so in the end i stayed 50m from ximending and i nv go ximending.. haha.. enjoy the pictures...

first day in Changi Airport..
we look so excited.. unaware of the shit we are going to do there..
these accompanied me through my darkest days over there..
all food!! woo!!

all food in my kitbag!!
the legendary Admin Support!
drivers, medic, signallers..
admin support with uncle chua..
what happens when they issue us so much condoms??
i love condoms!!
he took more than one pack..
bye my favourite camp dog..
finally the day we have been waiting for..
R&R lo!!
haha look at the monkey's left hand..
first stop.. 六福村amusement park..
we are supposed to be like prisoners.. but ended up like chimps..
this thing goes up and turn around.. i cant take due to my chronic ear fluid imbalance.. haiz..
i see ang and eugene..
i will die up there really..
how about this???
no kick to them..
cannot tahan le.. i muz try some rides..
i am not scared!!
i am really not scared........... ok i am scared...
then we queued up for hell..
the car goes up about 8 storeys.. then....
vrooms it comes down in less than a sec and i almost lost both my balls..
we didnt get to try this.. queue too long..
TIGERS! There is a mini zoo in the amusement park..
this fella sneezed on me..

he just love doing this so i gotta do it for him again..
it was supposed to be 好料。。。。。。。。
we sang ktv on the coach and i had a revelation.. all cadets cant sing!
there is this ferris wheel shopping centre.. we were actually going to 九份 but it was raining heavily so we change our destination to this shopping centre.. but honestly.. it suck..
outside ferris wheel shopping centre
he says: finally a decent room to slp in..
MRT single trip tickets..
my favourite in the whole trip.. 士林夜市
臭豆腐 is not 臭 at all!!
his favourite 臭豆腐


this is something something 饼.. i forgot the name..
all mine!! see the police triangular top.. it is for Fibi and i am so going to make her wear that to take picture one day.. now i got a 警犬
now choose ur side!
taipei's citylink mall
this is how they honor the ladies..
they queue outside Sogo before it opens and the staff are there early in the morning to entertain the people in the queue.. when it opens, the staff bowed and greeted everyone who comes into the mall.. best customer service.. singapore will nv have this..
Sogo.. which became there demonstration venue later.. we witness it and took photos and even videoed but too sensitive to post here..
oh ken came to meet us even though he just quarrelled with his gf.. and the gf came shoftly after that.. hopefully everything goes well..
our last meal together..
my favourite ROC driver..
i miss ken.. i hope the couple will patch up or something..
we're off to see Taipei 101..
exterior of Taipei 101..
zhifa dont look very happy here.. haha..
highest we could go is 89F.. 91F is the outdoor viewing gallery which is only opened on special occasions..
each costed NT400 which is around S$20.. worthed it?
super nice..

he says he look SUPER GOOD in this outfit.. judge for yourself.. haha..

cannot see anything leh..
wrong direction la of course cannot see!
coming up is nv a waste of money if you get to see all these..

we're at 380 m above sea lvl..

the real damper.. weighing 550 TONNES!
the black damper
the red damper
and the yellow one.. i tink i missed out one color bcoz there is supposed to be 4 dampers characters.. shit!

everybody shopped at Esprit because the salegirl that attended to us is so cute.. my type!! haha.. but too bad so sad..
Subway! we should have some healthy food after all the junk food in the last 3 wks..
101 at night..
Bye Taipei 101!
Dogs are allowed in their airport..
us with Cpt Nice Guy.. whom i found out that he is also from CHC.. no wonder he is so nice.. haha..
us with Cpt Chiong Shua aka Mr AMK!
admin support with ammo sir..
the bball heros posing with 三分小王子!haha!
all ORD personnels pls collect your kena-beated-up-by-regulars coupons to redeem your bashing..
zhifa with his childhood hero..
hello kitty concept phone booths..
3D Hello Kitty life sized figurine..
i posed with anything 3D..
hahahaha.. i have been trying to imitate this in taiwan..
here's admin support staff, plus medic, plus drivers, plus chef.. in short u call us ALL OF THE REST!
i found this prayer room in Taiwan Airport..
you can conduct your mini service here just in case you are too worried about the flight..
bibles provided.. this is thoughtful!
taken on the plane!
from the other side~
being the King of Good Analogy and Wisdom, i automatically bought another 3 books to add to my collection of inspirational books when i come back.. the deal is irressistable when i got like 45% Borders discount coupon!! WOO!! all hail the new king!!
all done!! i spent like more than two hours uploading these.. super tiring.. now i know why people dont like to upload pictures.. enjoy!! anyway.. the esprit salesgirl is realli realli cute.. haiz...
first day in Changi Airport..
all done!! i spent like more than two hours uploading these.. super tiring.. now i know why people dont like to upload pictures.. enjoy!! anyway.. the esprit salesgirl is realli realli cute.. haiz...
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