so now do ur job..
and i am supposed to send out this email that is computer generated from savedarfur.org but why not just put it here:
Now that Barack Obama is our president-elect, there's a new hope for Darfur.
That's because Barack Obama has been a champion of Darfur in the Senate, and pledged "unstinting resolve" to stop the violence and protect the people of Darfur.
It's our job to make sure he keeps that promise. So I joined with thousands of others and sent a postcard to the next president, adding my voice to the call for Day One leadership on Darfur.
Will you join me and Be a Voice for Darfur?
It's easy to add your voice. Click here to send a postcard. Remind Barack Obama to stay true to his word.
If everyone from all backgrounds speak together for one cause, then President-elect Obama will listen.
Thank you for your support.
anyway isnt it an ordeal to wait and live in uncertainty.. no wonder patience is a virtue..
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