pst kong said this phrase in his this prayer after renewing the vows of all the married couples in church today.. it was such a sweet moment.. i kind of had mixed feelings.. feeling a little sour but filled with hope for my own marriage in the future.. but it is the above phrase that impacted me the most..
she used to say she wants unconditional love, love that dont want anything in return.. i thought that was insanity.. how can a human ever give such love.. little did i know it was not about me.. it was about God.. when my love and strength fail, it is time for God to step in.. God has to be in the picture.. maybe i am not mature enough to understand that.. maybe i am not ready to handle all these right from the start..
pst kong's preaching just pierce my heart today.. it is like a powerpoint presentation showing me point by point why things went wrong and how i was inadequate as a partner..as much as i talk about it, the thing about guy being a leader never seem so important to me.. the thing about putting God in the center of the picture was never of that high priority to me.. prob it realli shows my immaturity.. maybe i should say this to you.. i am sorry.. sorry that when i should lead i didnt.. when i should show the way i didnt.. when i should say "let seek God for this issue..", i didnt.. sorry for not being a prophet, not being a priest, not being a king..
there is so much to learn.. before committing into anything more.. there is so much i would want to learn to give.. give without asking anything in return.. loving with the agape love of God.. i used to tink only God himself could love with the agape love.. hmm.. how wrong was i.. how could a 60 yrs relationship sustain without affairs, without divorce, without seperation.. it must be God.. it must be the agape love..

Lord Jesus.. i want to learn to love with your agape love.. i cant do it myself.. i ask of you to help me to learn all that i can and i need.. my mind may tink it is impossible but put into my spirit the willingness to love.. i ask of you for a happy marriage in future.. my family might not be perfect but i believe in you i can have a happy family in future, one which i can call my own and be proud of.. thank you Jesus.. Amen...
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