i know! *lightbulb tink!*
i nv post about KARI JOBE and REVELATION SONG!!
aiya dumb me.. haha.. how can i not post about KARI JOBE and revelation song?? haiz..
so the story goes like that.. there was one day i was very very bored at Life Bookshop Tampines mall (and if you still dont know, there is no more life bookshop in singapore.. all 倒闭 le) then i saw there was this Paul Baloche Worship Vocals Workshop cd on the shelf. being a person who really like singing and learning vocals being my 2008 new year resolution, i decided to watch the video..
Expectedly(is there such a word?) Paul Baloche is in the video and he was teaching about song leading and vocals harmony along with 3 other very experienced song leaders.. the first two are one white male and one black female who are really really good.. i wish i got the voice of the guy in there.. so far 3 of them are all very good.. and then Paul intro the last singer then i was like WAH!!!!! it is like Paul got the heaven's angels choir ic to come and help him record this video.. KARI JOBE IS SO SO SO PRETTY!! AND HER SINGING IS SO SO SO SO SO GOOD!!
then since then i was stuck on that video everytime i work(maybe that's why Life bookshop close down??) not because of kari jobe but because i wanna learn vocals and i heard Kari's Revelation Song over and over again for about 890474362967326448942384 x 10^4893246247264242 times..
(^ in here means "to the power of" if u didnt know, check your calculator!)
wah david watch the dvd for the pretty girl ar!!
come on la.. dont act holy.. there muz be some stage personalities in church that u will secretly idolize one like.. Melvin Wong like Annabelle alot.. haha.. Jedidiah Keh like Nicki Fletcher because he told us Z times that nicki fletcher talk to him on stage(where Z = the figure in ORANGE above) so presenting to you, my secret "idol" is Kari Jobe and revelation song... hahaha
wah david got idol ar.. against Ten Commandment.. (oh just shut up!!! haha)
well if u all tink she is not pretty enough in the video.. omg u must be blind.. but i got photos here!! haha!! WOO!!!

but the bad news is.. she is already a music Pastor.. HAIZ. .hahahahaha.. david u must be crazy... ahahahaa oh ya pls go to her myspace below at my links and ask her to come to singapore city harvest church!! haha.. i did that.. and i believe if 23000 people do that she will come!! hahahahaahah!! david u must be crazy!
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